July 19, 2006 Joint Workshop
Call to Order1. Attendance Minutes: The Clay County School Board met in special session on the above date in the County Administration Building, 4th Floor Meeting Room, for a joint workshop of the Clay County School Board and the Board of County Commissioners. School Board Members present, to-wit: Carol Vallencourt, District No. 1; Carol Studdard, District No. 2; Wayne Bolla, District No. 4; and Lisa Graham, District No. 5. Charles Van Zant, District No. 3, was absent due to military obligations.
Board of County Commissioners present, to-wit: Harold Rutledge, Pat McGovern, and John Thrasher. Commissioners George Bush and Glenn Lassiter were not present. Workshop2. School Concurrency (Timeline/Issues and Perspectives) (Revised) Attachment: Concurrency.pdf Minutes:
Consultants Jeanne Mills and David Beyoung gave a powerpoint presentation which reviewed the framework for school concurrency and the required documents necessary for development of an updated Interlocal Agreement. The Agreement must include a plan for financial feasibility to achieve and maintain the adopted level of service. The Public School Facilities Element must be adopted by all municipalities.
There are three main components upon which a school concurrency program depends that are required to be included in the updated Interlocal Agreement for Public Educational Facility Siting and Review (ILA): 1) Financial feasibility of the school district Five-Year Capital Facilities Work Program; 2) Regulatory review of all new residential projects; and 3) Joint planning with Cities, the County and the School District.
Mr. BeYoung reviewed the Residential Review Process for school concurrency and level of service standards which must establish the maximum permissible school utilization as it relates to capacity.
3. Educational Impact Fees (Components for Consideration) (Revised) Attachment: AffordHouse.pdf Minutes: An impact fee revision cannot be implemented prior to 90 days from its adoption. The components included in the changes for an impact fee revision as approved by the School Board in the June 20, 2006 Facilities Workshop were briefly reviewed. The BCC will take these changes up further in discussion at their next meeting. 4. Use of School Facilities for County Recreation (Revised) Attachment: RecreationFacilities.pdf Minutes: Commissioner McGovern addressed this item and expressed the need for additional neighborhood playgrounds for the children of Clay County. He proposed for consideration the use of elementary schools that would be accessible after school and on weekends, and stated that the County's Parks and Recreation Department could provide funds to purchase and install additional playground equipment. He suggested that we identify one elementary school at which to pilot the program and the development of an Interlocal Agreement for specific guidelines. Mr. McGovern identified the following schools as being the most ideally located for the areas of greatest need: Doctors Inlet Elementary, Ridgeview Elementary, S. Bryan Jennings Elemenary and W.E. Cherry Elementary. School district staff will pursue this idea with the Parks and Recreation Department and will discuss issues such as maintenance and liability. 5. Developer Finance of Schools Minutes: Mike Elliott, Assistant Superintendent for Support Services, took this opportunity to clear up misconceptions regarding the offer from the Saratoga Springs developer to finance schools within the development. It was noted that the public's misperception is that the school district turned down a "free" school, when in fact, the offer required repayment by the school district at a cost of approximately $3 million more than the school district could finance the schools on its own. Adjournment6. The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. (Revised) Attachment: MinutesBCCVersion.pdf